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Adventure Club is an exciting children’s ministry program that is focused on bible memorization and teaching children the truth of God’s Word in a fun, meaningful way. The full curriculum is designed to create opportunities for parents and children to have deeper spiritual discussions at home while working through the lessons, memory verses, activities, and adventure story. This program is designed for children ages three through eleven.
Adventure Club exists to glorify God through evangelizing children, encouraging parents, and edifying servants so that the gospel may be spread among our children, families may be supported, and the church may be strengthened.
Adventure Club exists to glorify God through evangelizing children, encouraging parents, and edifying servants so that the gospel may be spread among our children, families may be supported, and the church may be strengthened.
Church is not the only place children should be learning God’s Word. Parents are encouraged to teach their children God’s Word at home. Adventure Club is designed as a way for parents to help their children plant God’s Word in their heart. Every child will memorize the same weekly Bible verse. There are also activities in the kid’s book for the kids to do at home.
Kids love stories. In every Adventure Club kid’s book, there is an adventure story that the kids can read by themselves or with their parents. The Adventure Club kids will also follow six-character guides (Blaze and Amelia in Trailblazers; Scout and Sally in Scouts, and Tracker and Lucy in Trackers) through activities, and an adventure story, working together and learning lessons along the way.
Adventure Club was created to be a fun and meaningful way for children to learn the theological lessons of the Bible. The full curriculum is designed to create opportunities for parents and children to have deeper discussions about God and the Bible. This is accomplished through the lessons, memory verses, activities, and adventure story that parents and children will be going through, at home and while attending Adventure Club. It is our hope that the Lord will use this program to plant the seed of the gospel into each child’s
heart, and that the children will come to know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.
The Adventure Club curriculum and kid’s books were designed to help the child learn the theology of the Bible. These theological themes are presented over 30 weeks and give key phrases summarizing what each child will learn. Each lesson will have a memory verse pertaining to the theological topic for them to memorize.
Parents are encouraged to help their child memorize the memory verse each week. Every 6 weeks there will be a review lesson. This will be the children’s opportunity to recite the memory verses they learned over the past five weeks.