We have at least one adult class going every Sunday morning (sometimes two or three at the same time). We primarily meet in the Fellowship Hall.
Generations of Grace
Generations of Grace tells God’s redemptive plan from Genesis to Revelation in 3 years. Each age group will be interacting with the lessons at their level.
Ages 3-6 (Kinder) meet in the upstairs classroom.
1st-5th grade meet in a downstairs classroom.
6th-12th grade will meet downstairs.
For newborns through 2 years old. This is in the nursery across from the bathrooms.
We have separate rooms for infants and toddlers.
Sunday Children's Church | 10:45am
Ages 3 to 5th grade meet downstairs during the 10:45 service.
For newborns through 2 years old. This is in the nursery across from the bathrooms.
We have separate rooms for infants and toddlers.
Wednesday Nights | 6:30pm
Adventure Club
Adventure Club is an exciting children’s ministry program that is focused on Bible memorization and teaching children the truth of God’s Word in a fun, meaningful way. The full curriculum is designed to create opportunities for parents and children to have deeper spiritual discussions at home while working through the lessons, memory verses, activities, and adventure story. This program is for children aged 3 to 11.
For grades 6th through 12th. We’ll be using Word of Life’s Fifty1 program.
Our teens go to camp or a similar event and leave on fire for God. They come back to their regular world after and that fire can feel diminished and they can feel discouraged. Fifty1 is a response to this. It continues spiritual growth the other “51” weeks of the year.